Introducing generative modelling as an emerging technique in digital design and how we can start incorporating it meaningfully into the real world. Although steeped in a little futurism, this project looks at a specific ecosystem (site) for inspiration (and data) to design products using advanced generative techniques for that space. The central idea of this project is growth, allowing the computer to help grow points and curves into complex 3D forms that emulate the patterns and forms of plant life. Designing these organic forms to not only blend in but grab the attention of visitors and revitalise the space.

3D Printing
All the products were largely designed using Grasshopper in Rhino. While parametrically confined, many of the outcomes were generated through simulations and algorithms, out of our control. Post-modelling was done through Fusion 360 and Blender to fix and alter the models to be 'real.' The main product was made from a series of generated pots that had to be altered for 3D printing.