The Republic of Kiribati is a handful of atolls lying in the Pacific Ocean that are under threat of flooding and sinking below sea level due to climate change. The design merges the vernacular architecture of the Kiribati Islands with a new floating village that allows the Kiribati people to find a new equilibrium and coexistence with the ocean. Bending down and bowing into the building that frames scenic views straight into the horizon and blending in with the functions of the community. Aquaculture borders the entries to the lagoon creating a micro-village that floats in a new sunken environment. The housing is self-sufficient with modular vegetable gardens and chicken coops that attach to the side of the building or by themselves. Rainwater, desalination and hydropower are also incorporated into this sustainable design. The Kiribati islanders can then come together in the partially submerged community spaces that step up into an extended view of the ocean. Together, this village establishes a lasting society that lies afloat the natural shallow lagoons of the atoll.